ACG - Association of Geneva Municipalities

Field: Political, economic, social and cultural institutions (ACG, GIAP, SIACG & CIDEC)
Project scope: Visual identity, Visual architecture, Annual report
Context: Mandate won on pitch and carried out with Parenti Design: The Branding Studio
My role: Concept, Artistic and Creative Direction, Visual Identity, Pitch
Year: 2021-2022
Awards: (Won with Parenti Design)
- Best of Show - Worldwide Logo Design Award 2022
- Shortlist - Best of Advertising 2022 - Branding Category
- Shortlist - ADC Switzerland - Design Category - 2023


In 2021, the acg (association des communes genevoises) and its three affiliated entities, the giap (groupement intercommunal pour l'animation parascolaire), the siacg (service intercommunal d'informatique) and the cidec (center intercommunal des déchets carnés), needed new logos and a new visual identity.

Challenge: Evolve acg's image to make it more modern while remaining true to its core values.

The visual identity is based on a disruptive vision of the heraldic reference of the 45 communes of the canton of Geneva. Inspired by the work of the famous artist Piet Mondrian, a pioneer of abstraction, to create an original and contemporary interpretation of the canton's coat of arms and those of its communes. Brought together by the same graphic form, each commune is recognizable by its specific colors, while the overall vision of the coats of arms conveys the strong impression of cohesion characteristic of the ACG.

With these new symbols, the ACG now presents itself as an institution fully in tune with the times. In addition to their primary use, this series of logotypes has also been designed with a view to adapting them to the brands of the intermunicipal services: CIACG, GIAP and CIDEC. 

Finally, this visual universe is combined with typography from a foundry based in Geneva, further reinforcing the local roots of this identity.


Project created by the agency
Parenti Design: The Branding Studio
Creative & Art Director: Elie Kupsc
Managing Director: Lisa Parenti
Brand Identity & Logo: Elie Kupsc & Abel Nadin
Illustrations: Elie Kupsc
Motion Design: Abel Nadin
Annual report: Nathalie Colin


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