KB-42 - Packaging

Domaine: Organic Greek Dry Gin
Scope of Project: Gin labels, Packaging, Photo Shooting, Website
Context: Produced freelance with Abel Nadin
My Role: Creative & Artistic Direction, Production
Year: 2022 - Today

KB-42's design is inspired by Greek mythology and culture. The famous blue version of Agamemnon's mask has been redesigned to match the KiladaBlue brand identity. The blue color used in the label is inspired by Klein blue, adding to the label's visual appeal.

The Peloponnese region, from which this gin originates, takes its name from one of the most famous characters in Greek mythology: Pelops. Pelops had a special relationship with Poseidon, the god of the sea, which gave him the right to guarantee the safety and quality of his food and drink. Products from the Peloponnese have long been associated with quality and authenticity, and this label pays tribute to that history and culture.

The mask of Agamemnon on the KB-42 gin label is mysterious and intriguing, adding extra appeal to the label. What's more, the label's design is versatile and suitable for any occasion, day or night, whether it's a night out at the club or a day at the beach. The label's unique design is a modern representation of Greek culture.

Kilada Blue - KB 42 - Gin Label - Branding
Kilada Blue - KB 42 - Gin Label - Design

In a nutshell

KB-42 is a gin whose design is inspired by Greek mythology and culture. The label features a blue version of the mask of Agamemnon, redesigned to match the KiladaBlue brand identity. The blue color used is inspired by Klein blue. The Peloponnese, where the gin is produced, is a famous region of Greek mythology, associated with quality and authenticity. The mask of Agamemnon adds a mysterious and intriguing touch to the label, suitable for any occasion, day or night. The unique design of this gin label is a modern representation of the versatility and adaptability of Greek culture, celebrated for centuries.


Freelance production with Abel Nadin
Creative & Art Direction: Abel Nadin, Elie Kupsc
WebsiteElie Kupsc
Packshot Photography: Amélie Touchet
Launch Trailer: Anthony Jerjen


HES-SO - Change the code | Branding, Illustration, 360° Campaign


ACG - Association des Communes Genevoise | Branding